Welcome to the More Than a Song Podcast!
More Than a Song is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to helping you discover the truth of Scripture hidden in today’s popular Christian music.
My name is Michelle Nezat and my goal is to teach you to connect portions of God’s Word with the songs you are singing along with on the radio; to help you meditate on Truths that will transform your way of thinking and ultimately your life.

Subscribe now to discover why thousands of monthly listeners look forward to Monday morning.
– Latest Episodes –
Podcast #510: “The Truth” by Megan Woods
God’s Word is the only reliable weapon against the lies we hear daily.
Podcast #509: “I Give You My Dreams” by Sarai Rivera
Does giving your dreams and desires to God feel like giving up? Sarai Rivera sings about surrendering control of her life to God in her song “I Give You My Dreams.” In this episode, I explore the alternative to letting God take control displayed in a song of David. Dive into Psalm 37 with me…
Continue Reading Podcast #509: “I Give You My Dreams” by Sarai Rivera
Podcast #508: “Running Back To You” by Seph Schlueter
Our hope in the Lord is that He will draw near to us if we draw near to Him (see James 4:8). Seph Schlueter sings about drawing near to God in his song “Running Back to You.” But the song made me ask, “How do we get so far from God in the first place?”…
Continue Reading Podcast #508: “Running Back To You” by Seph Schlueter
Are you ready to get more out of the Christian music you’re listening to?

Change Your Music…Change Your Life
Music is a powerful art form. Not only does it become the soundtrack of our lives, but it can affect the way we think and view the world. My free 30-day music challenge walks you through listening exclusively to Christian music for 30 days.

Bible Interaction Worksheets
The entire archive is at your fingertips.
I create one-page worksheets to complement my podcast episodes from time to time. They offer a hands-on approach to implementing the Bible Interaction Tool Exercises (BITEs) I discuss on the podcast. This is the complete archive all in one place!
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