Does giving your dreams and desires to God feel like giving up? Sarai Rivera sings about surrendering control of her life to God in her song “I Give You My Dreams.” In this episode, I explore the alternative to letting God take control...
God, the Author, chose to show rather than tell us how far He would go to redeem His people. Consider the highest of highs, where Jesus came from, and the lowest of lows, where he descended to lay His head in a pile of straw. Josiah Queen sings...
Christ is holding it all together, so I can let go.
Examining worship responses in Revelation
I need the reminder. I need the nudge. I get discouraged and feel the temptation to stop asking God for his __________________ (you fill in the blank). Matthew West exhorts us toward something the Bible says: “Don’t Stop Praying.”...
Have you ever loved a song and found that learning its story made it even more meaningful? That happened to me this week. I was inspired to study Psalm 34 after listening to “Trust In God” by Elevation Worship. Only the story behind the...
I see a lot of conversation in the media about positive self-talk. And I get it. Talking negatively about yourself to yourself is not helpful. Inspired by Micah Tyler’s song “Praise The Lord,” I meditated on King David’s self...
What happens when our preference doesn’t line up with God’s preference? How can we even know God’s desires? I’ve asked these questions since I was introduced to Rachel Morley’s song “Preference.” Join me as...
Do you have a favorite singer? Can you recognize their voice even if you’re not familiar with the song? I have a friend who is a photographer. I can spot her work right away on social media. Her photos have something about them that acts as a...
Putting first things first is a habit of highly effective people. But what are the “first things” for a follower of Christ? How does God rank the things you should be prioritizing above others? Let’s allow Scripture to mold how we...