
Podcast #104: “Move (Keep Walkin’)” by TobyMac

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

There are many times when I am cemented by the enormity of the obstacles in front of me. I am terrified, or overwhelmed, or saddened or any other host of immobilizing emotions. This is why I enjoy the song, “Move (Keep Walkin’)” by TobyMac. I use the song to deploy us to 2 Timothy, where we can get “unstuck” by simply following Paul’s advice to Timothy.


It may be simple, but it will be challenging. I hope you accept the assignment.

On this episode I discuss:
  • Setting goals using strong verbs
  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week…
    • Reading in context
    • Making lists
  • Making a list of strong verbs found in 2 Timothy
  • Training your mind to be curious and ask questions while you’re reading or listening to teaching
  • The strong verb, “share.” Share what? – 2 Timothy 1:8
  • The strong verb, “follow.” Follow what? – 2 Timothy 1:13
  • How I was inspired by the lyric “soldier keep movin’ on” that led me to 2 Timothy 2:3-4
  • Soldiers endure great challenges and suffering to please their commanding officer. How much more will we as soldiers of Christ?
  • Avoid getting entangled in civilian pursuits – 2 Timothy 2:4

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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch the official lyric video on YouTube below.

Additional Resources

Download the single or the album by clicking the link below.

This Week’s Challenge

Read 2 Timothy all the way through in one sitting. Then go back and make a list of the strong verbs that you see in this letter of instruction to young Timothy from his mentor Paul. Choose one or two “assignments” to focus on this week. These are instructions…orders from the Captain of our Salvation – make it your aim to please Him.

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podcastEpisode 104