We live in a very self-centered society these days. I recently read a study that stated that 1 in 5 millennials would quit their job to become famous. This is not the way of Jesus, however. Casting Crown’s song “Only Jesus” reminds us that “Jesus is the only name to remember.”

Join me in Psalm 115 as we join the Psalmist in comparing and contrasting God and idols (anything that sets itself up as a god in our lives).
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Compare and contrast
- Make a list
- Journal your dialogue with God
- Rapid Bible Read Through with Keith Ferrin – KeithFerrin.com
- “In the beginning, God…” everything that was created was made by God and for His glory
- The tension for me to give God glory alone and build a platform where more people can be exposed to what God is saying through me
- How the theme of Psalm 115 matches our song this week – Psalm 115:1
- Our “what have you done for me lately society” – Psalm 115:2
- God rescued us just like He rescued the Israelites from Egypt – instead of from a land of slavery, from a life of slavery to sin – 2 Corinthians 5:21
- Our great High Priest who completely saves and intercedes – Hebrews 7:24-27
- Making a t-chart with the characteristics of God on one side and the characteristics of idols on the other
- Rather than trusting in idols that are lifeless and ineffective and becoming like them, we are called to trust in the Lord – Psalm 115:9-11
- The house of Aaron (extra credit! learn more about Aaron beginning in Exodus)
- If you are a follower of Christ, you are described in the New Testament as a priest – 1 Peter 2:9-10
- Our current circumstances do NOT define our God – Psalm 115:12-13
- The final compare and contrast of the Psalm – Psalm 115:17-18
Enjoy the official audio on YouTube below.
Listen to all the songs used on the podcast last year (and follow the playlist)…
Here’s the playlist to follow for this year!
Additional Resources
This Week’s Challenge
Read Psalm 115 and make a list of God’s characteristics and a list of idols’ characteristics (and ultimately, those who trust in them). Compare and contrast what you see in the two lists. Feel free to follow a side-path of reading about Aaron in Exodus (and beyond) to understand a little more about the “house of Aaron” mentioned in this Psalm. Consider the idols in our day and age. Could fame or legacy be an idol that has seeped into your life-threatening to dethrone Christ as the King of Kings of your heart? Declare with our song this week and through prayer, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory.”