Is it possible to actively serve Christ and miss Him all at the same time? It sure is! I don’t want to miss Him, though. Cody Carnes’ song, “Nothing Else,” inspired me to consider what it looks like to sit at the feet of Jesus, taking in his preeminence, and ultimately repenting for where I’ve gone off track.

Join me in exploring a few Scripture areas as we discover that “nothing else will do” besides Jesus.
In this episode, I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
- Remember, the people described in the Bible were real
- Compare and contrast
- Make observations
- Utilize outside resources (this week, it was my study Bible)
- Meditate on Scripture
- The 30 Day Music Challenge – ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE
- Sitting at the feet of Jesus – Luke 10:38-42
- The “good portion” discussed in the Old Testament – Psalm 73:26, Psalm 16:5
- How the preeminence of Christ inspires us to sit at his feet as disciples – Colossians 1:15-20
- Returning to our first love – Revelation 2:2-7
- How we can get so much right and so much wrong at the same time — requiring our repentance – Revelation 2:5
- The three steps we should take
- Remember
- Repent
- Return
Christ’s preeminence in our lives should reflect a centrality that emanates, impacts, and rules every other part of our lives.
Check out the official lyric video of this week’s song below!
More Than a Song Playlist
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and chords –
- The story behind the writing of the song “Nothing Else” by Cody Carnes – YouTube
- ESV Study Bible – Amazon
This Week’s Challenge
Read and ponder the account of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. Don’t forget that these ladies were real, not merely an object lesson. Make observations and compare and contrast as you interact with this section of Scripture. Head over to Colossians 1 to meditate on the preeminence of Christ. Finally, get your marching orders on how to return to your first love in Revelation 2. Only after you’ve studied these sections of Scripture on your own should you enhance your study time through outside resources like commentaries or study Bibles.