
Podcast #498: “Revelation” by John Rich

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

We know we can’t know the day or the hour, but we do know one thing—King Jesus is returning! When John Rich sings about Christ’s return in his song “Revelation,” it inspired me to pick up the book of prophecy and read it again.

Join me on a journey through Revelation with a unique way to read it.

In this episode, I discuss the following:

  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
    • Read aloud
    • Start with God/Jesus
    • Follow the cross-references
    • Journal your observations
  • Episode Guide
  • Not letting preconceived ideas keep you from reading Revelation
  • The blessings that come along with reading, hearing, and keeping what is found in Revelation – Revelation 1:1-3
  • Reading Revelation in a new way by starting with what you learn about Jesus and journaling it
  • All about where I curated the BITE “Start With God”
  • The strangest quote from Martin Luther I’ve ever heard – “Exalting Jesus in Revelation Commentary” – Amazon Paid Link
  • Jesus IS coming back – Revelation 1:7, Revelation 22:7
  • Why we need to be aware of the details of His return
    • Matthew 24:33
    • Matthew 24:42
  • Taking our readiness seriously
    • Matthew 24:48-51
    • Matthew 25:11-13
    • Matthew 25:30
  • Encouraging one another to stay alert – 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:6
  • Armoring up for His return – 1 Thessalonians 5:8-11
  • Peter’s admonishment in light of the knowledge of Christ’s return – 1 Peter 4:7, 1 Peter 3:14, 2 Peter 3:17
  • The warnings indicate the possibility we may stumble, but HE IS ABLE to keep us – Jude 24-25

We won’t avoid the battle, but we are assured the victory.

Enjoy the official music video below.

More Than a Song Playlist

Additional Resources

  • The story behind the song “Revelation” by John Rich – YouTube Video – Note: This is an interview with Tucker Carlson and therefore gets a little political. If you can “eat the chicken and spit out the bones,” like my Grandma used to say, I encourage you to watch it. It is very thought-provoking. But I am not listing it here for the political aspect of the discussion.
  • Because of what John Rich said in the above interview, my antenna has been up regarding John Darby and Scofield and being ready for Christ’s return. John believes the rapture will happen AFTER the tribulation. A local pastor in my community taught me why he thinks the Bible presents a post-tribulation rapture. Here’s a link to the entire series. The teaching on the timing of the rapture is audio only. Until He Comes Series
  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation CommentaryAmazon Paid Link
  • My favorite Bible Study Software – Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

This Week’s Challenge

My challenge to you is to read the words of Revelation for yourself. Read them out loud. Keep your antenna up for all you can learn about Jesus—His character, conduct, and concerns in the last days. Then, as you read and study other areas of the New Testament, look for how the New Testament authors think we should respond to the truth that our King is coming back again. “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”

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podcastEpisode 498