
Podcast #76: “Impossible” by Building 429

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

The song “Impossible” by Building 429 reminds us of an amazing characteristic of God…that He is all-powerful. In fact, Scripture makes it very clear that nothing is impossible to God.


Let’s make sure we fully understand what Scripture is and is not saying about this. I can’t wait to discover what it might mean for you in the midst of what you are dealing with right now in your life.

In this episode, I discuss:

  • How our hearts are full of plans, but God’s purpose prevails – Proverbs 19:21
  • Some bad advice about what is and is not impossible and why
  • How it was not impossible for God to make an old barren woman bear a son – Genesis 18:14
  • How it was not impossible for God to fill an empty stream bed with water for a thirsty army – 2 Kings 3:18
  • How it was not impossible for God to have a young virgin bear the Son of God – Luke 1:37
  • How with man there are things that ARE impossible – Matthew 19:23-26
  • How with God NOTHING is impossible – Matthew 19:23-26
  • Jeremiah’s confession to God that nothing is too difficult for Him – Jeremiah 32
  • God’s confirmation that Jeremiah is right…nothing is too hard for Him – Jeremiah 32:27
  • Jeremiah’s circumstance that seemed impossible that God declared possible for Him and a detailed description of how He was going to handle it

Enjoy the official lyric video below.

Additional Resources

This Week’s Challenge

Choose the story of Sarah and Abraham, the thirsty army, Mary, the mother of Jesus, or the rich young ruler to ponder the details of just how impossible their situations seemed and how God responded. Or dive deeper into Jeremiah 32. I gave you the highlights, but Jeremiah’s situation was dire, his prayer is a great example to us and we learn a lot about God from His response. Just remember to align your purposes with God’s. Then, no matter how dire your circumstances seem to be, you can be sure nothing is impossible.

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podcastEpisode 76