
Podcast #99: “Just Be Held” by Casting Crowns

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

When the storms of life come out of nowhere and send us titling out of control, do we hang tight or let go? Casting Crowns encourages us to let go and “Just Be Held.” This act of surrender and trust in God truly means we abandon our control, but it does not mean we will be out of control. God Himself can carry us through in His capable hands if we will let him.


In Acts 27, Paul’s sailing companions learned this the hard way. Let’s see what we can learn from their experiences.

In this episode, I discuss the following:

  • Using published devotions to take a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture (Bible Interaction Tool Exercise)
  • Casting Crowns’ Thrive Challenge Devotion on this song
  • Mark Hall’s testimony “Behind the song” – YouTube Video
  • B.I.T.E. of reading more Scripture
    • Commit to a daily devotion and read the referenced Scripture out loud
    • Progress to reading the referenced Scripture in the context of the section it is included in
    • Progress to reading the referenced Scripture in the context of the chapter it is included in
    • Progress to reading the referenced Scripture in the context of several chapters leading up to it
    • Progress to reading the referenced Scripture in the context of the entire book (or a large portion of chapters)
  • Paul’s journey leading up to Acts 27 – Acts 21-27
  • The storm Paul and his companions encountered on a ship heading to Rome as a prisoner and how the sailors responded
    • First, they abandoned their purpose
    • Then, they abandoned the tools they needed to function
    • Then, they abandoned all hope
  • My thoughts this week
    • Stop rehearsing your sorrows
    • Don’t try to play out the entire story in your mind – trust God
    • Sometimes, it is your brokenness that will lead to your rescue

Enjoy the official lyric video below.

Additional Resources

This Week’s Challenge

I encourage you to read Acts 21-27 and even beyond. Don’t you want to see Paul make it to Rome? Also, take my challenge to take baby steps in your regular devotion times to consume more Scripture.

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podcastEpisode 99