Is praising necessarily singing?
Welcome to Friday With Friends! I have the distinct privilege of meeting incredible followers of Christ who have amazing ministries, fascinating careers, and incredible hobbies and pet projects that flow out of their identity in Christ. While my...
Life can throw us curve balls that threaten to derail us. In fact, if we aren’t rooted in Christ, we may even fall into despair. Katy Nichole and Naomi Raine sing about everything our God can do, even when we cannot. Their song “Our God...
To count our blessings is to name them and acknowledge our gratitude for the good things God has blessed us with. Seph Schlueter sings of this in his song “Counting My Blessings,” and I use it to catapult us into the world of Jesus to...
Have you ever had that moment when you realize you are on the other side? On the other side of trauma. On the other side of betrayal. On the other side of pain, you thought for sure you would NEVER endure? This happened to Joseph and was...
Have you ever loved a song and found that learning its story made it even more meaningful? That happened to me this week. I was inspired to study Psalm 34 after listening to “Trust In God” by Elevation Worship. Only the story behind the...
Do you have a favorite singer? Can you recognize their voice even if you’re not familiar with the song? I have a friend who is a photographer. I can spot her work right away on social media. Her photos have something about them that acts as a...
Do you praise God amid deep distress? When your circumstances don’t change, when the pain doesn’t let up, when you feel like you’re underwater and can’t catch your breath, can you muster a song of praise to God? Rend...
It may seem hopeless. Your life is shattered into a million pieces. You are broken and empty. God is calling you to Himself. He is the master artist who can take your broken pieces and assemble them like a stained glass masterpiece. Amanda Nolan...
As believers, our position in Christ and the family of God changes everything. We have been transformed; who we were before is not who we are now. But did you know what we will be is not who we are now? I was inspired by Ben Fuller’s song...