
Podcast #107: “Alone” by Hollyn feat. TRU

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

On the other side of our confidence that God will never leave or forsake us is often the desperate cry, “Lord, don’t leave me alone.” This cry is found in the lyrics of our feature song this week, “Alone” by Hollyn featuring TRU. It was the call of a very famous character in the Bible, too. Moses’ appeal to the Father was even deeper. It was not only a plea that God would not leave Him alone, but a reciprocal petition asking God not to ask them to go anywhere without Him.


There is much to be learned from Moses in all of this.

On this episode I discuss:
  • The story behind the song “Alone” by Hollyn – New Release Today article
  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
    • Read and keep on reading
    • Listen to the audio version (The YouVersion App is the one I use for this)
  • A quick “fly over” of the Book of Exodus leading up to our focus chapter
  • How God describes His people as “stiff-necked and rebellious”…Hollyn describes us as “punks sometimes” – Exodus 33:1-3
  • How God’s people chose the consequences that they eventually bore…and so do we
  • The “disastrous word” from God – Exodus 33:4-6
  • The ornaments we may still be wearing that remind God of a season of our unfaithfulness to Him
  • God’s presence is what makes us distinct – Exodus 33:14-16
  • How God so completely filled the tabernacle that there was no room for Moses – Exodus 40:34-35

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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch the official lyric video on YouTube below.

Additional Resources

Download the single or the album by clicking the link below.

This Week’s Challenge

Read all of Exodus this week. It will be challenging, but you can do it. It’s probably too much to read in one sitting. However, if you read or listen to it for 20 minutes a day, you should be able to finish in 6 days and have a day to go back and ponder details. Don’t get bogged down in the parts you don’t understand. There is a beautiful “big picture” that will begin to emerge as you read and keep on reading.

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podcastEpisode 107