If we want God’s praise to “ever be” on our lips, then we need to develop patterns to help make it happen. This week’s song, “Ever Be” by Aaron Shust led me to Psalm 22 where I uncovered a powerful pattern for prayer. The Psalm itself details how we can be fooled into defining the character of God through the lens of our circumstances.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking the theme of your praise is derived from your circumstances. The theme of your praise should be derived from God alone.
On this episode I discuss:
- Using the power of Christian music to rehearse the greatness of God
- **Random note: I don’t really discuss this on the episode, but I use the phrase, “Woe is me and oh lament” several times and it comes from a Christmas song by Roger Whittaker about Darcy the Dragon. For those of you who care…here’s a link the song! YouTube Audio Link**
- The Psalms contain many songs in the Bible
- Using the free memory verse resources I create each week to hide God’s Word in your heart – sign up here
- The verse that led us to Psalm 22 today – Psalm 22:25
- Lysa Teurkeurst’s story about her Liberian son – read more about Lysa here
- How our feelings cannot accurately describe the character of God…He IS Who He IS
- The B.I.T.E – Bible Interaction Tool Exercise – for the week is using a Psalm as a pattern for prayer – use this tool to follow the pattern for yourself
- Jesus’ fulfillment of many aspects of this Psalm in Matthew 27
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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch the official lyric video on YouTube below.
Additional Resources
Download the single or the entire album by clicking the links below.
- Lyrics
- A devotional by Aaron Shust – “Ever Be” – Read the devotion here
This Week’s Challenge