God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He proves it over and over throughout Scripture. He will make a way for His purposes to be accomplished. He truly is a “Waymaker” as Leeland sings about in this week’s song.

Join me in 1 Samuel as we see David walking through some treacherous and emotional times where He really needed God to make a way.
On this week’s episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Read while listening to an epic soundtrack
- Remember the people you read about in Scripture were REAL
- Read and keep on reading
- Read in context
- Consider the grand story of Scripture to ground you
- Reading the Bible in chronological order (check out the Rapid Bible Read Through method here)
- Experiencing a different “feel” while reading epic stories in Scripture to epic music
- How God makes a way for HIS story to move forward to fulfill HIS purposes for HIS glory first
- Studying individual stories with the big picture in mind
- Discovering Saul being installed as king in 1 Samuel 8
- Seeing God reject Saul as king – 1 Samuel 15:10-11
- Experiencing David’s anointing as the new king – 1 Samuel 16:12-13
- Seeing the relationship between Saul and David take a turn in 1 Samuel 18:6-16
- David becoming a fugitive in 1 Samuel 20
- David’s band of rebels growing in 1 Samuel 22
- David sparing Saul’s life in 1 Samuel 24
- David’s heart laid out in Psalm 56
Check out the official music video on YouTube below.
More Than a Song Playlist
Follow the More Than a Song 2020 playlist in Spotify…new songs added each week!
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and Chords – WeAreWorship.com
- The story behind how the song “Waymaker” made it onto the album – Thir.st Talks
This Week’s Challenge
Become familiar with the story of David and Saul by reading in 1 Samuel. Rest in the knowledge that even for King David the struggle was real. Speaking of real…don’t forget that the people in these stories were real. Read and keep on reading, and then take the time to consider how God proved Himself a “Waymaker,” a Miracle Worker, and a Light in the darkness for David. Finally, take time to declare God’s goodness. Render thank offerings to a worthy Savior Who has delivered our souls from death that we may walk in the light of life.