God is not a “because I said so” Father. He is patient with our shortcomings and proves Himself over and over. He explains, and displays, and explains again. Tauren Wells in his song, “Like You Love Me” reminds us that every moment given to worry is wasted time. Jesus makes the same argument…and several others to support His instruction not to be anxious.

In these times of uncertainty, let’s look to what Jesus teaches as arguments why we should NOT be anxious.
On this week’s episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Read in context
- Ask questions
- Remember the people you’re reading about were real
- Follow the cross reference
- Compare and contrast
- Reading the Sermon on the Mount in its entirety – Matthew 5-7
- Asking the questions, “Who are Jesus’ disciples?” and “What would their needs be as they are listening to this sermon?”
- Our focus text – Matthew 6:24-34
- Jesus’ main point repeated FIVE times – “DO NOT BE ANXIOUS”
- A valuable video resource by John Piper called “Look at the Book” – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- The nine arguments of Christ to prove that we should not be anxious
- Following the cross-reference to 1 Kings 3 to study about how Solomon asked for wisdom, but God lavished more
- The final argument that there will be trouble every day, but Lamentations 3:20-24 reminds us that His mercies are new every morning
Check out the official music video on YouTube below.
More Than a Song Playlist
Follow the More Than a Song 2020 playlist in Spotify…new songs added each week!
Additional Resources
- Lyrics – Klove
- “Do Not Be Anxious About Your Life” – audio and transcribed sermon by John Piper – DesiringGod.org
This Week’s Challenge
Read the entire sermon of Jesus beginning in Matthew 5 and ending in Matthew 7. Take your time considering the section of teaching found Matthew 6:24-34. Consider the main point that Jesus is trying to make — “Do not be anxious.” Analyze the supporting arguments found in this text. Contemplate if you have fully received each argument and been transformed by its teaching and truth.