There are truths in Scripture that make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we don’t think they make sense. Other times they bump up against a belief we hold that doesn’t align with Scripture itself. Riley Clemmons’ song...
I have a love-hate relationship with hard questions. I love that they inspire me to think critically and put in more thought and effort. I hate that the answer is often not as tidy as I would like. In her song “Kingdom Come,” Rebecca St...
There’s a shortage of truth in the world today. Of course, the definition of truth seems to be up for grabs for some, but today we’re talking about sincerity in action without pretense. Matthew West sings about this in his song...
When an obscure passage is brought to light in the lyrics of a song, it gives us an excellent reason to engage in areas of Scripture we may have overlooked for a while. Elevation Worship’s song “RATTLE!” refers to the bones of a...
Our God is a God who celebrates milestones. This week is a significant milestone for the podcast, and the song “In Christ Alone” celebrates an anniversary, too! Let’s celebrate by digging into God’s Word! When was the last...
God calls us into His story through Christ. But before we place ourselves in the middle of His story, we need to remember the Bible is God’s grand story of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. Olivia Lane’s new song “Woman At...
Trust is not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes we wrongly assign character to someone because of the actions of another. It would be a shame to assign character to God based on our interactions with people. In their song, “I Will Trust My...
The names of God teach us about His character. When we get to know His names, we get to know Him. Using “He Is Yahweh,” as sung by Blake Reynolds to inspire us to explore Scripture, we uncover wonderful truths. Join me as we explore the...
There is a magical and terrifying place described in Scripture. It is the throne room of heaven where fantastical creatures proclaim the holiness of God, and crowned elders fall at His feet in worship. Influence Music’s song “Glory...
While we may not be able to choose happiness, we can choose joy. We can choose joy because it’s not rooted in our circumstances or feelings but rather the truth of Who God is and who we are in Him. “Joyful” by Dante Bowe is a fun...