
Podcast #470: “First Things First” by Consumed By Fire

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

Putting first things first is a habit of highly effective people. But what are the “first things” for a follower of Christ? How does God rank the things you should be prioritizing above others?

Let’s allow Scripture to mold how we interpret the world.

In this episode, I discuss the following:

  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
    • Read in context
    • Meditate on Scripture
    • Define words
    • Read/study various translations
    • Compare and contrast
  • Episode Guide Download
  • Reading the entire Sermon on the Mount
  • Recognizing that there’s value in continuing to read and keep on reading and a time to stop and explore when interacting with Scripture
  • Our focus area of Scripture in the “do not” section of the sermon – Matthew 6:19-34
  • How our inspiration song restates what Jesus is teaching
  • Three areas we can rank higher than God wants us to
    • Stuff
    • What we watch (look at)
    • Money
  • Considering the original audience and still applying the principles Jesus is teaching to our current time
  • How the world may teach that “first things first” is doing the things you have to do before you do the things you want to do, but as believers, we want God to change our priorities, not just the order of our actions
  • Thinking about what “first” means, especially in light of Jesus, our preeminent One – Colossians 1:18
  • How God wants a worldview change, but just obeying a commandment taught by men – Isaiah 29:13
  • Further teaching on how “first” plays out in God’s kingdom – Matthew 20:1-16, Matthew 20:20-28, Philippians 2:6-7

What you value will show up in how you live — where you spend your time, talents, and treasure.

Enjoy the official lyric video of the song below.

More Than a Song Playlist

Additional Resources

This Week’s Challenge

Study Matthew 6:19-34 in context of the entire Sermon on the Mount. Consider what it might mean to take advice from the preeminent One on what should rank in our lives. Meditate on what “first” means and how that impacts what it means to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first.

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podcastEpisode 470