
Podcast #127: “Clean” by Natalie Grant

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

We all have hidden places in us that seem “too dirty” to bring into the light. God’s Word washes us to make us holy in His sight. Unfortunately, we avoid the very solution that can bring cleansing and healing, oftentimes because we expected a different solution.


Naaman was like this, and we read about him in 2 Kings 5. Head with me over there this week!

On this episode I discuss:

  • A podcast interview with Natalie Grant by Justin Paul – iTunes
  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
    • Listen to an audio version of the Bible
    • Repetition
    • Read/listen to a variety of translations
  • The lie that “until we can do it right” we shouldn’t read the Bible at all
  • Why you would probably follow Naaman on social media – 2 Kings 5:1
  • The people in Naaman’s life who cared enough about him to seek solutions to his affliction – 2 Kings 5:2-3
  • How we filter God’s Word through our own “protocol” and sometimes get it wrong – 2 Kings 5:4-6
  • How when we involve others unnecessarily in our affliction we can cause unnecessary distress – 2 Kings 5:7-8
  • Naaman’s expectations vs. God’s solution – 2 Kings 5:9-12
  • Naaman’s co-workers who talk some sense into him despite his defensiveness – 2 Kings 5:13-14
  • God’s cleansing of us through His Word – Ephesians 5:26

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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch a live performance on YouTube below.

Additional Resources

Download the single or entire album by clicking the link below.

This Week’s Challenge

I encourage you to read this story for yourself in 2 Kings 5:1-14. While you’re there, you might as well keep reading and see what happens next, because Naaman’s story doesn’t end there! Make repetition your friend by listening to this story using a free audio version of the Bible found online or through an app. Try reading this story in a variety of translations — perhaps something will jump out at you that never has. Think about this story. Think about the characters. Consider where you see yourself. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this story?”

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podcastEpisode 127